ATP synthase

  • 网络atp合成酶;ATP合酶;合酶;三磷酸腺苷合酶
ATP synthaseATP synthase
  1. Cloning of Solanum nigrum ctDNA Fragment which Contains α - subunit of ATP Synthase Gene


  2. The Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of ATP Synthase


  3. Applications of New Biophysical Techniques to Supramolecular Structure of ATP Synthase


  4. Exploring the source of life energy & A research of synchrotron radiation on ATP synthase


  5. As they flow through ATP synthase , ATP is produced .


  6. The mRNA Expression Level of Rice Chloroplast ATP Synthase Response to Gibberellin


  7. In addition , the mechanism of ATP synthase also contributes to the development of the study of enzyme .


  8. ATP Synthase : the World 's Tiniest Rotary Protein Motor


  9. The research showed that content of GSH content was closely related to the activity of ATP synthase .


  10. Objective To explore the relationship between the expression of ATP synthase and oocyte developmental potential .


  11. Bioinformatics Analysis of the Full-Length Clonorchis sinensis ATP Synthase B Chain-Like Gene


  12. Structure and Function of the Smaller Subunits of Chloroplast ATP Synthase CF_1


  13. Site directed Mutagenesis of ε Subunit of ATP Synthase of Maize Chloroplast


  14. Protons flow from the area of high proton concentration through the ATP synthase , to the area of low concentration .


  15. Studies on the Structure and Function of ATP Synthase Lipid-binding Protein-like Protein Gene of Schistosoma Japonicum


  16. Chloroplast ATP synthase is one of the four super membrane-protein complexes in thylakoid membranes of higher plants .


  17. The expression of heat shock protein 60 ( HSP60 ) and mitochondrial ATP synthase α chain was up-regulated .


  18. The activity changes of ATP synthase and adenylate kinase in rat-liver mitochondria during the early phase after burn injury


  19. Tissular and Subcellular Localization of the ATP Synthase B Subunit in Clonorchis sinensis


  20. The influence of energy transfer inhibitors of ATP synthase on the chloroPhyll fluorescence quenching of thylakoids was studied by the saturation pulse method .


  21. Coupling factor 6 ( CF 6 ) is a subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase and is composed of 76 amino acids .


  22. ATP synthase is a key enzyme of energy metabolism , which was involved in a variety of oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation in vivo .


  23. These differentially expressed genes were binding protein , ATP synthase , calcium-binding protein , actin , elongation factor , mitochondrion and kinase .


  24. Inferred from the result , the expression variation of ATP synthase beta subunit was involved with the complicated energy metabolish in the period of taking adventitious root .


  25. Conclusion The decreased expression of ATP synthase might involve in fertilization failure through interfering energy metabolism and fertilization process , and the ATP synthase 's level is relevant to the developmental potential of oocytes .


  26. Results Expression of mitochondrial ATP synthase gene was down regulated in LPS stimulated HUVEC , and the contents of ATP were decreased significantly while the contents of ADP and AMP were increased .


  27. Conclusion : The protein expression spectra of eutopic endometrium from patients with endometriosis are significantly different from those of the controls , and the anti-endometrial autoantibodies against vimentin , β - actin and ATP synthase β subunit may be induced .


  28. Blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is a very powerful procedure that can be used to analyze the components of chloroplast protein complexes . The two photosystems , the ATP synthase , the cytochrome complex b 6f complex , the light-harvesting complexes and the RubisCO are well resolved .


  29. The gradient this creates produces ATP by a similar ATP synthase complex .


  30. Here you can see the electron moving between the carriers along with ATP being produced by ATP synthase .
